Completed Projects:
Environmental GIS approach on groundwater quality and its health effects. The groundwater quality is a problem in different parts of World. In Many parts of the world the groundwater is the only alternative source when surface water becomes scares .
Concentration greater than their permissible limits in drinking water have been linked to health problems, especially in infants. In order to elucidate the status of groundwater quality, geochemical seasonal variation of groundwater has been investigated.
The tremendous power of analysis, map querying and presentation of data were applied in this E-GIS. Based on map query, water quality zones were demarcated as ‘Affected Area’ and ‘Not affected Area’ based on quality of water and other Environmental concerns.
Projects under progress:
- Pollution point location in GOM - client - MSU
- Potential fishing Zones in GOM- clinet - MARS
- GW & H-GIS - client - Kim "김원태"